Monday, 26 September 2011

Vintage Camera Mini Album Pattern Correction

Well, it's official...I am NOT perfect!  ...don't worry, I already knew that :)

I have made an error in my Vintage Camera Mini Album Pattern :o  Not to worry...the error has been corrected, and I have emailed everyone who has purchased a pattern from me the corrected version.

If you have purchased a copy of the pattern from me, and were missed on the distribution, please send me an email at and I will ensure that you receive an updated copy.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Vintage Western Mini Album Update

I had all the best intentions to get my vintage western mini album posted by the end of this month.  Well, things around here have been hectic to say the least, and it would take a miracle for me to have this album completed by the end of September.

I absolutely hate not keeping my commitments, so at the very least, I want to share a sneak peak of my creation:

I know, I know...these pictures are soooooooo close up!  I need to keep a little mystery so I don't ruin the whole surprise ;)