Monday, 16 May 2011

May "Timepiece" Stick Pin Swap

So little time...yet so much to do!  I've been out of town the past 2 weekends in a row, which left me falling behind when it comes to...well, EVERYTHING!  I still have bills to pay, but I finally sorted through my hundreds of emails and thanked all of my new YouTube subbies...a big "thank you" to everyone for their support!

If you've checked out my "Sneak Peek" page here on my blog, you'll know that I've also signed up for a ton of swaps.  I am finally catching up on this front as well with only 3 more to fulfill, then I'm going to retire from swapping for a while.  I finally finished and packaged up my May "Timepiece" stick pins for a swap hosted by Trudi Hutton over at Life on the {Scrap}beach:

You can also find the video of my stick pins on my YouTube channel at:

Lastly, I have officially started writing the pattern for my Vintage Camera Mini Album.  I can tell already that it's going to take a while, so please be patient with me.  I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date on my progress.

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