Okay, so I have TOTALLY neglected my blog followers...what is up with that?!?!?! Well, if you follow me on Facebook or YouTube, you know that I have been incredibly busy.
I can't believe it has been over a year since my last post! Well, since that time, my shop has grown significantly...if you surf the many crafters' channels on YouTube, chances are that you have heard of ButterBeeScraps' Artistic Treasures on Zibbet :)
Not only has my shop grown, I now have a design team that offers many creative ideas of what you can do with all the lovely yumminess in the store, and I have created and do a decent job of maintaining a Facebook page for the business. So, I thought it was time that I resurrect my blog.
I have been working extremely hard at giving this baby a complete and total makeover, so stay tuned. You will be able to find the new website at the same url address - www.butterbeescraps.com; however, I will be using a new website platform, so if you are a follower of this blog you will not automatically continue to get updates.
On a positive note - all of the blog posts (minus the comments) will be moved over to the new website. The old blog will also be available for a short while at a different url address for a short while during the transition. Don't worry...I will link this blog to the new one so you can find it easily :)