Friday, 29 July 2011

Thank you everyone for your support!

I just wanted to post a quick note extending a big "THANK YOU" to everyone who has supported me by purchasing a copy of my Vintage Camera Mini Album pattern.  This is the first pattern I've written and I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of people interested in purchasing a copy.  I've also noticed that I have several new followers of this blog...thank you, thank you, thank you!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer :)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

IT'S HERE!!! My Vintage Camera Mini Album Pattern is Now FOR SALE :)

So, I promised that my first "scrapbooking" priority would be to finish writing the pattern for my Vintage Camera Mini Album...and that's exactly what I have done :)  Between working full-time, completing renovations on a rental property, and preparing for my son's month-long visit coming up this weekend, I managed to get this finished :)

I know you'll love this pattern.  It's packed with 43 pages (wow!) of detailed instructions, and tons and tons of photos and diagrams.  Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:

 If you're interested in making one of these beautiful albums for yourself, just click on the "Patterns & Such" tab at the top of this page to find out how you can purchase one of these patterns.

Please be mindful of the fact that I put many, many hours into creating this pattern, so please do not share it or create .svg files of the pattern pieces for the Cricut without my written permission.  If you are interested in teaching this to a class, please contact me...I'm sure we can work something out.

Thank you so much for your understanding :)

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Update: Vintage Camera Mini Album Pattern

I know many of you are wondering..."so what's up with that pattern you promised us, anyway?"  Am I right?  ...I'm sure.  Well, I just wanted everyone to know that I haven't forgotten about it.  It's just that sometimes life gets in the way.

You'll be happy to know that finishing this pattern for all of you VERY patient fans is now my top "scrapbooking" priority.  I have the text complete for both the construction of the camera box and the mini album that fits inside.  I am now going to build another complete album for two reasons - to test the written instructions for assembling the camera, and so that I can take tons of photos to add to the instructions and make them easy to follow.  If you're anything like me, it's all about the pictures.

Thank you to everyone for all your will all be worth it in the end :)

Monday, 11 July 2011

"Baby Steps" Shabby Chic Mini Album

Wow!  It's been a month already since I last made a post on my blog...shame on me!  Well, the good news is that summer is here...the bad news is, as I am sure everyone can relate, life has gotten crazy busy!  Summer seems to do that to me.

Well, I finished another mini album...finally!  (Even if I have said this before, I'm still gonna say it again...I am a very slow scrapper!!!)  This album was created using Laura Denison's pattern of her "Special Delivery" baby mini album; however, I had to add my own special touches :)  You can purchase a copy of Laura's pattern on her website by clicking on the following link:

So, as you can see, I switched the album up immediately by creating a traditional cover for the album instead of making it into a diaper bag:

I also added features that give the parents to be some direction as to what to put into the album.  I've added a small book in the front cover for journalling to baby before he/she is born, a place to write details of baby's time and place of birth, a spot for hand and footprints, and a second mini book in the back cover for recording baby's milestones.

Here are some pictures showcasing my favourite pages from the album:

If you are interested in seeing the complete project, you can view my youtube video giving you all the details: