Monday, 3 October 2011

Pink Mini...Almost Finished?!?!

For those of you who know me, you know that I am an incredibly sloooooow scrapbooker.  For those who don''re gonna have to take my word for it!  I like all my i's dotted and t's crossed - a bit of a perfectionist.  Well, I was on a role this weekend because I've almost finished my pink mini!  Yup - that's right!  I can't believe it myself ;)

I created my mini using No. 6 coin envelopes (3-3/8" x 6").  It has a total of six pages; however, two of them are made using canvas envelopes.  The canvas pages were not my original idea, but I love them!  Check out faythchik777's YouTube videos for instructions on how to make them:

All I have left to complete are the tags, so in my true scattered brain fashion, I'm moving back onto my vintage western mini to get that sucker done and posted for all to enjoy :)  I think the pink mini was all I needed to rejuvenate me :)

Here are some pics of my mini:

Enjoy :)


  1. Wow, looks fabulous! You sure were fast! ;o)
    Hugz, Z

  2. As always this is another beautiful creation. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next! Do you have snow in Rossland yet?
